Nurse's Office
School Nurse
Information for Students and Families
- Nurse
- Health Records
- Illness Protocols
- Communicable Diseases
- COVID-19
- Health Sceenings
- Immunizations
- Medications
- Forms
- Wellness Policies
Health Records
Health history: Parents/guardians are required to submit health history for their child(ren) once a year during the registration process. A sports physical is not a substitute for submitting a health history.
Contact info: Please make sure phone numbers are correct in PowerSchool in case of emergency.
Confidentiality: Health information is kept confidential. Teachers are informed of a student’s medical condition(s) only if it is necessary for your child’s care and safety.
Immunizations: Proof of completed immunizations are required to be on file at your child’s school. Visit the Kansas Department of Health and Environment website for more information.
New students: A Health Examination Report (physical), signed by a physician, is necessary for kindergarteners and students under the age of 9 who are entering Kansas schools for the first time. Children who transfer from other Kansas schools should provide a copy of the entrance exam they provided to their previous school.
Illness Protocols
To protect your child and other children from disease outbreaks, parents/guardians should keep their children home when ill.
Parents/guardians will be contacted if their child becomes ill at school so the child can be taken home. It is important to make arrangements with a second party in case a parent is unable to be located. The school can provide no treatment other than simple first aid. If illness is suspected, the student will be sent home with their parent/parent designee. A student leaving school because of illness cannot ride the bus.
Students with the following health conditions (but not limited to) will be excluded or sent home from school:
Temperature of 100.4 degrees F or higher
Elevated (or possibly a normal) temperature combined with any of the following: a severe cold with or without yellow-green nasal discharge, excessive coughing, headache, sore throat, nausea, swollen glands, or skin rash)
Eyes inflamed with purulent discharge; if bacterial, may remain in school once any prescribed therapy is started
Influenza (consult nurse for length of time)
COVID (consult nurse for length of time)
Drainage from ears
Skin lesions (i.e., impetigo, ringworm, and scabies) until under treatment with approved medication (consult school nurse for length of time)
Diarrhea (two or more loose stools)
If your student has had a medical procedure or has been hospitalized, they will need to have a return to school date from the doctor, with any activity restrictions noted. If your student has been injured or has received a note from the doctor for a modified activity in school, they will need a follow up note to be released back to activity.
Communicable Diseases
JGCC Communicable Diseases
Any student noted by a physician or the school nurse as having a communicable disease may be required to withdraw from school for the duration of the illness in order to give maximum health protection to other students. Kansas laws direct exactly how we must work to control the spread of communicable diseases. USD 470 follows the Kansas Classroom Handbook of Communicable Diseases. Contact your school nurse if you have any questions.
If a student is absent from regular classes for more than three consecutive days or the principal or school nurse has determined that a student has a communicable disease (diagnosed by their primary care physician), the principal or school nurse shall decide whether a written statement shall be obtained from the student’s physician before the student reenters school.
Decisions regarding the type of education and the setting for provision of educational services for a student with a severe communicable disease of long duration shall be based on the child’s medical condition, the child’s behavior and neurological development, and the expected type of interaction with others in the educational setting. These decisions will be made after receiving input from the student’s physician, public health personnel, the student’s parent or guardian, and personnel associated with the proposed care or educational setting. No information regarding students with communicable diseases shall be released by district personnel without the student’s parent/guardian’s consent.
Health Sceenings
Immunizations: Proof of completed immunizations are required to be on file at your child’s school. Visit the Kansas Department of Health and Environment website for more information.
We encourage administration of medicine before and after school whenever possible. However, if your physician decides it is necessary for your child to receive a medication given by school personnel during the school day, the following regulations are necessary:
Medication needs to be brought in the original container with the appropriate label intact.
The “Request to Administer Medication” form signed by the parents needs to accompany all medication.
Anytime the medication dosage or time of administration is changed, a new bottle and form must be brought in.
Medication administered for the first time cannot be given by the school nurse or her delegate.